Spring Forward with a Simple Insurance Policy Review!

February 23, 2015 1:46 pm

Spring is almost here, and there’s no time like today to make sure you’re ready for all the fun the warmer, brighter weather will bring. In Florida, we’re lucky to have great weather (for the most part) all year long, but when spring comes, things really kick into high gear.

One of the best parts of warm weather is being able to enjoy all the recreational opportunities available in the Sunshine State – carefree days on the waves or cruising the roadways, visiting favorite haunts and exploring new ones. The best way to make sure your adventures are as carefree as possible is to take some time right now to “spring forward” safely by reviewing your insurance policies.

atlantic pacific march blogSpring forward with a policy review.

Having insurance isn’t just about being “legal,” it’s also about having the peace of mind that comes from knowing you, your loved ones, and yes, your finances have the protection that’s necessary to handle losses. Whether you need car insurance, boat insurance or insurance to protect your home against summer’s storms, we can help make sure the coverage you have is the coverage you need.

First, get out those policies, and take a good look at them. Check the deductibles, and make sure they’re still a good “fit” for your budget. It’s true having a higher deductible can save you a little money, but if an accident happens, will you have the cash on hand to pay the deductible? If it “feels” too high, now is the time to lower it.

Think about any changes or upgrades that have occurred since the last time you reviewed or renewed your policy. Have you added any security features to your home? Did you complete a safe driver or boating course? Or have you added any “toys” to your boat that need additional protection against loss? Maybe you have a teen who’s about to become a driver. All these issues need to be addressed so your policies are up to date and provide you with the coverage you need. Plus, some changes can even lower your premium.

Speaking of lowered premiums, part of your policy review should include a chat with your agent about steps you can take to lower your policy premiums. You might be surprised by the simple things you can do to lower premiums and reduce your risk in the bargain.

Businesses can spring forward, too.

Spring is also a good time to review commercial policies and workers’ compensation coverage to make sure your business interests are properly protected – and to be sure you’re in compliance with state regulations. If you haven’t reviewed these policies in a while, now is the time to give your agent a call to make sure your coverage meets your needs.

When you’re ready to spring forward with better coverage and greater peace of mind, give us a call toll-free at 800-538-0487, and let us help!

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