Worker’s Compensation Insurance

What is CompAdvantage™?

API has developed a unique model called CompAdvantage™, which helps our clients control their “Total Cost of Risk” and make them more attractive in the marketplace. It focuses on a risk assessment that most business owners have never seen. The CompAdvantage™ program is designed to help clients take proactive action to manage their Worker’s Compensation insurance.


  • Guidance on pre-hire and post-hire procedures, injury reporting procedures, light duty, wage
    statements, etc.
  • Learn how different parts of a workers’ compensation claim effect you differently (Medical only VS
    Loss time)
  • Learn how your actions at claim time and after can directly save you money and keep you out of
    the court system
  • Learn about all discounts that may be available to you
  • Provide a template to use for proper audit preparation (a recent study showed 80% are inaccurate)

Experience Mod. Management

  • We make sure your experience modifier is accurate and that data in it is accurate
  • Check for missing data that may affect your modifier
  • Run mathematical models to let you know if your modifier is going up or down well before NCCI
    actually calculates it. This gives you time to prepare for the upcoming costs.

Claims Management

  • Written status reports on all open claims on a bi-monthly basis, allowing you to focus on your
  • Attack claims and reserves to minimize the impact of each claim on your experience modifier
    and any dividend plan you may have.
  • Troubleshooting on problem, fraudulent claims
  • Attend mediations to assure fair settlement
  • Help you obtain a designated adjuster and a designated law firm so you work with the same
    one, day in and day out.
  • OSHA log preparation and updates
  • Provide you with the vast resources we have available to help you in areas like safety training
    and claims management (Return to work programs, Safety Incentive programs, medical questionnaires, Physician evaluation forms, etc.)

Plan Management

  • Educate you on the different types of plans available and help you determine which one fits you best
  • Help you sift through the “Smoke and Mirror” show presented by carriers and PEO’s