Routine vision test can spot serious problems in their earliest stages

July 24, 2015 1:14 pm

Your eyes play a critical role in all you do, and keeping them healthy – and preserving good vision – means seeing your eye doctor for regular visits and having your corrective lenses updated regularly.  Most health insurance policies don’t cover the cost of lenses, and if yours falls into that category, adding on a vision plan can save you money in a short amount of time.

If you haven’t had a vision test or exam for some time and you’re wondering if you should – and why – here’s a quick review:

How often should I see my eye doctor?

Professional eye care associations recommend visits ranging from every one to three years, depending on your age,oracle august health and risk factors for developing visions problems.  For children, the recommendations include seeing an eye doctor by six months of age, again at three years old, before first grade, and every two years afterward.  The exam your child receives at school is no substitution for a comprehensive exam by an eye doctor.  Depending on your risk factors (or your child’s), more frequent exams may be recommended.  Seeing an eye doctor for routine exams is the best way to catch signs of serious diseases while they’re most easily treatable – and even before they cause noticeable symptoms.  Plus, they can ensure your lenses are ideally suited to your needs.

What exams will my eye doctor perform?

Your eye doctor will perform a variety of tests and evaluations to ensure your eyes are in good health and your vision is properly corrected.  The vision test is the cornerstone of any eye exam.  During a vision test, your doctor will look at how your eyes respond under different circumstances – for instance, focusing on near and far objects – as well as your peripheral vision.  Your vision test may also include a dilated exam to enable your doctor to look through your pupil to see your optic nerve located at the back of your eye.

How can I care for my eyes and vision between visits to my eye doctor?

Eating a healthy diet to ensure your eyes, nerves and blood vessels stay healthy is critical, and getting exercise is also important for good circulation.  Avoid dry eyes and fatigue by taking regular breaks when performing close-up work or when using a computer.  Wear corrective lenses as directed and have your prescription updated regularly to ensure your vision is as good as it can be and to avoid eye strain.  Use sunglasses with ample UV protection to protect your eyes from the sun’s harmful rays.

No vision coverage under your insurance plan?  No problem.  Give us a call today and find out just how affordable it is to add vision to your current plan.

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